- Wu*, S. Y., Chen, S. Y., & Hou, H. T. (
press). Exploring thein patterns of concept map-based online discussion: a sequential analysis of users’ operations, cognitive processing and knowledge construction. Interactive Learning Environments. (SSCI).interactive - Wang, S. M., Hou, H. T.
, * Wu, S. Y. (in press). Analyzing the knowledge construction and cognitive patterns of blog-based instructional activities using four frequent interactive strategies (problem solving, peer assessment, role playing and peer tutoring): a preliminary study. Journal Educational Technology Research and Development. DOI 10.1007/s11423-016-9471-4. (SSCI). - 吳聲毅
2016)( 台灣大專學生線上討論中文離題字詞之探討。 數位學習科技期刊。 (8)2, 49-63, (TSSCI)。 - Wu*, S. Y. (2016). The effect of teaching strategies and students' cognitive style on the online discussion environment. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 25
2), 267-277. DOI 10.1007/s40299-015-0259-9 (SSCI).( - Wu*, S. Y., Hou, H. Y., & Shih, M. J. A. (2016). Exploring cognitive processing and behavioral patterns in a seamless online learning integrated discussion environment: A progressive sequential analysis. International Journal of Web Based Communities, 12
2), 195-211. (EI)(
- Wu, S. Y., Hou*, H. T. (2015). How cognitive styles affect the learning behaviors of online problem-solving-based discussion activity: A lag sequential analysis. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 52
2). 277-298. (SSCI)( - Wu*, S. Y., Chen, S. Y., Hou, H. T. (2015). A study of users' reactions to a mixed online discussion model: A lag sequential analysis approach. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 31
3), 180-192. (SSCI).( - Chen, C. J., Wu*, S. Y. (2015). A Case Study Exploring Junior High School Students’ Interaction Behavior in a Learning Community on Facebook: Day and Time. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 12
2), 99-106.( - Wu, S. Y., Hou*, H. T. (2014). Exploring the process of planning and implementation phases in an online project-based discussion activity integrating a collaborative concept mapping tool. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 23
1), 135-141. (SSCI).( - Liu, I. F., Wu*, S. Y., & Ko, H. W. (2014). Learning reading strategies with online discussion. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 50
2), 231-247. (SSCI)( - Hwang, W. Y., & Wu*, S. Y. (2014). A Case Study of Collaboration with Multi-robots and its Effect on Children’s Interaction. Interactive Learning Environments, 22
4), 429-443. (SSCI).( , H. T., Wu, S. Y., Lin, P. C., Sung, Y. T., Lin, J. W., & Chang*, K. E. (2014). A Blended Mobile Learning Environment for Museum Learning. Educational Technology & Society, 17Hou 2), 207–218. (SSCI)( - Lin, P. C., Hou*, H. T., Wu, S. Y. & Chang. K. E. (2014). Exploring College Students' Cognitive Processing Patterns during a Collaborative Problem-solving Teaching Activity Integrating Facebook Discussion and Simulation Tools. The Internet and Higher Education, 33, 51-56. (SSCI)
- Cheng, K. H.,
, H. THou *, & Wu, S. Y. (2014). Exploring students' emotional responses and participation in an online peer assessment activity: A case study. Interactive Learning Environments, 22. 3), 271-287. (SSCI)( - Hwang, W. Y., Huang*, Y. M., Shadiev, R., Wu, S. Y. & Chen, S. L. (2014).
of using mobile devices on EnglishEffects and speakinglistening diversity EFL elementary students. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 30for 5), 503-516. (SSCI).( - Chang*, S. P., Hou, H. T., Wu, S. Y., Chang, R. J. & Chen, Y. H
(2014). Exploring the Attitudes and Patterns of Adoption of Digital Instruction among Teachers of Chinese as a Second Language in Taiwan. International Journal of Research In Social Sciences, 3. 8), 39-47.( - 吳聲毅(2014)。「個人-小組」導向合作式概念構圖系統融入小學學習之初探。康大學報,4,33-42。
- Wu, S. Y., Hou*, H. T., Hwang, W. Y., & Liu, E. Z. F. (2013). Analysis of Learning Behavior in Problem Solving-based and Project-based Discussion Activities within the Seamless Online Learning Integrated Discussion (SOLID) System. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 49
1), 61–82. (SSCI)( - Wu, S. Y., Hou*, H. T., & Hwang, W. Y. (2012). Exploring Students’ Cognitive Dimensions and Behavioral Patterns during a Synchronous Peer Assessment Discussion Activity Using Instant Messaging. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 21
3), 442-453. (SSCI)( - Wu, S. Y., Wang, S. T., Liu*, E. Z. F., Hu, D. C., & Hwang, W. Y. (2012). The Influences of Social Self-efficacy on Social Trust and Social Capital - A Case Study of Facebook. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 11
2), 246-254. (SSCI, 2007-2012)( , H. THou *, & Wu, S. Y. (2011). Analyzing the social knowledge construction behavioral patterns of an online synchronous collaborative discussion instructional activity using an instant messaging tool: A case study. Computers & Education, 57. 2), 1459–1468. (SSCI)( - Hwang, W. Y., Huang, Y. M
*, & Wu, S. Y. (2011). The Effect of an MSN Agent on Learning Community and Achievement. Interactive Learning Environments, 19. 4)( 413–432. (SSCI), - Chen, H. C
*, Liu, E. Z. F., Wu, S. Y., & Lin, C. Y. (2011). Discovering the Life Stories of Modern Hakka Mothers in a Classroom. International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design (IJOPCD), 1. 2), 73–85.( , H. THou *, & Wu, S. Y. (2011). Analyzing the social knowledge construction behavioral patterns of an online synchronous collaborative discussion instructional activity using an instant messaging tool: A case study. Computers & Education, 57. 2), 1459–1468. (SSCI, IF=2( 775, EI). - Hwang, W. Y., Huang, Y. M
*, & Wu, S. Y. (2011). The Effect of an MSN Agent on Learning Community and Achievement. Interactive Learning Environments, 19. 4)( 413–432. (SSCI), - Chen, H. C
*, Liu, E. Z. F., Wu, S. Y., & Lin, C. Y. (2011). Discovering the Life Stories of Modern Hakka Mothers in a Classroom. International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design (IJOPCD), 1. 2), 73–85.(
- 林惠婷、吳聲毅(2016)。國中學生性別分組於社群討論學習成效之初探。第二十屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會(GCCCE 2016),大陸,香港。(2016/5/23-27)
- Wu, S. Y. (2015). A possible mechanism for enhancing the advanced knowledge construction in online learning communities. The International Conference on Education in Mathematics, Science & Technology (ICEMST), Turkey, Antalya. (2015/4/23-26)
- Wu, S. Y. (2015). A pilot study of personality grouping in online discussion activity. The 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTAD), Spain, Madrid. (2015/3/2-4)
- Wu, S. Y., Hou, H. T. (2014). The grouping effect of cognitive style on the problem solving-based online instructional discussion activity. The eighteenth Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2014), China, Shanghai. (2014/5/26-30)
- 吳聲毅、侯惠澤(2014)。認知風格影響線上專題製作討論行為模式之初探。Taiwan CSCL & CSPL Workshop 2014 (第三屆數位合作學習與個人化學習研討會,新竹,台灣。(2014/5/9-10)
- 吳聲毅、侯惠澤(2013)。概念構圖輔助線上討論學習活動行為模式之性別差異個案研究。第十七屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會(GCCCE 2013),大陸,北京。(2013/5/27-31)
- 吳聲毅、侯惠澤(2013)。將線上離題討論導回學習主題之策略:運用認知工具輔助之初步探究。Taiwan CSCL & CSPL Workshop 2013(第二屆數位合作學習與個人化學習研討會,台北,台灣。(2013/3/29-30)
- Liang, H. Y., Wu, S. Y., & Chen, S. Y. (2012). The effect of prior knowledge and flow on the understanding of poetry in game-based learning.
will be presented at the 20th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2012), Singapore, November 26-30, 2012. (2012/11/26-30)Paper - Wu, S. Y., Hou, H. T., Chen, S. Y., Liu, E. Z. F., & Hwang, W. Y. (2012). Discussion Models in Seamless Online Learning Integrated Discussion (SOLID)
: Selection vs. Performance.Environment presented at the 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2012), Roma,Post . (2012/7/4-6)Italian - 吳聲毅、侯惠澤、劉旨峰、黃武元 (2012)。比較問題解決與專題製作在無接縫線上討論環境之知識建構與作品品質差異。Taiwan CSCL & AIED Workshop 2012(數位合作學習與個人化學習工作坊),桃園,台灣。(2012/4/13-14)
- 劉宜芳、吳聲毅(2011)。線上閱讀學習平台促進閱讀理解與閱讀策略成效之探究。第七屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF 2011),台北,台灣。(2011/11/4-5)
- Wu, S. Y., Hou, H. T., Hwang, W. Y., & Liu, E. Z. F. (2011). A case study of seamless online learning integrated discussion. Paper presented at the Global Chinese Conference on Computing in Education (GCCCE 2011) Conference,
, China. (2011/5/29-31)HangZhou - Li, M. C.,
, H. T., & Wu, S. Y. (2010). HowHou is used in online problem-solving tasks: An exploratory case study. Paper presented at the International Conferenceblog Web 2.0 and Education (ICWE 2010), Jhongli, Taiwan. (2010/11/20)of - Chen, H. C., Liu, Liu E. Z. F., & Wu, S. Y. (2010)
On the Dynamical Aspects of Facebook-enhanced Social Interactions: A Preliminary Study. Paper presented at the International Conference. Web 2.0 and Education (ICWE 2010), Jhongli, Taiwan. (2010/11/20)of - 吳聲毅、劉旨峰(2010)。從性別觀點探討使用FACEBOOK社交平台的異與同。Web 2.0 與教育國際研討會(ICWE 2010),中壢,台灣。(2010/11/20)
- 吳聲毅、劉旨峰、陳弘正、謝永洵(2010)。以社會網路分析方法探討多媒體專題學習之合作與表現差異。Web 2.0 與教育國際研討會(ICWE 2010),中壢,台灣。(2010/11/20)
- 何玲玲、吳聲毅、陳弘正、劉旨峰(2010)。從教學與學習之歷程探討數位學伴執行成效-初探性研究。Web 2.0 與教育國際研討會(ICWE 2010),中壢,台灣。(2010/11/20)
- Hwang, W. Y., Wu, S. Y., & Yang, T. Y. (2010). Children's Interactive behavior and strategy in a Multi-robots’ Collaborative Environment. Paper presented at the 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2010), Sousse, Tunisia. (EI) (2010/7/5-7)
- Cheng, S. C., Hwang, W. Y., Wen, S. W., Wu, S. Y., & Hsiehe, C. H., & Chen, C. Y. (2010). A Mobile and Web System with Contextual Familiarity and its Effect on Campus English Learning.
presented at the 3rd International Conference on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning (DIGITEL 2010), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (2010/4/12-16)Post - Chen, H. C., Liu E. Z. F., Feng, R., & Wu, S. Y. (2010). Discovering the life stories of modern Hakka mothers: A social network approach. Paper presented at the TELDAP International Conference 2010, Taipei, Taiwan. (2010/3/2-4)
- Wu, S. Y., Chen, H. C., &
. Z. F. (2010). The Relationship Diagram of Social Network under Web 2.0 Learning Environment. Paper presented at the International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2010), Valencia, Spain. (2010/3/8-10)Liu E - Hwang, W. Y., Wu, S. Y., Chen, C. M., & Hsieh, Y. H. (2009). A Study of Collaboration and Conflicts Using Multi-Robots. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on E-Learning and Games (Edutainment 2009), Banff, Canada. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2009, Volume 5670/2009, 495-500, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-03364-3_60. (EI) (2009/8/9-11)
- 陳弘正,馮翠珍,吳聲毅(2009)。典藏2.0:當代客家人物傳奇─客家媽媽的故事. International Conference
Web 2.0 and Education (ICWE 2009)of 中壢, 台灣, (最佳論文獎) (2009/11/12-13)。 - 黃武元,吳聲毅,謝菁華(2009)。探討情境熟悉對英語學習之影響-應用行動裝置在校園情境英語學習。第五屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF 2009),台南,台灣。(2009/9/25-26)
- Wu, S. Y. (2009). A Study of Instant Messaging Software's Effect on
from Viewpoint of Social Interaction. Paper presented at the International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULearn 2009), Barcelona, Spain. (2009/7/6-8)Education Environment - 王甄儀、林怡均、劉子鍵、葉曉萍、王司沁、吳聲毅(2009)。機器人融入國小教學課程之發展與成效評估的初探性研究。第十三屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會(GCCCE 2009),台北,台灣。 (2009/5/25-28)
- Hwang, W. Y., Wu, S. Y., & Hsieh, C. H. (2009). Design a GPS-based Mobile Device for School Life English Learning. Paper presented at the 5th International Workshop on Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning Environments (MULE 2009), Tokushima, Japan. (2009/3/26-27)
- 吳聲毅(2012)。無縫隙線上討論環境(SOLID)之建構與評估-序列行為分析與其對學習之影響。國立中央大學網路學習科技研究所博士論文(未出版)。
- 吳聲毅(2004)。建構教師資訊科技融入教學層級之預測模型研究。國立高雄師範大學資訊教育研究所碩士論文(未出版)。
- 吳聲毅(2009)。數位學習 觀念與實作(第二版)。台北:學貫行銷。(ISBN:9789866800986)
- 吳聲毅(2008)。數位學習 觀念與實作。台北:學貫行銷。(ISBN:9789866800771)
- 李春雄、吳聲毅、林岑(2008)。Visual Basic學習經典。台北:新文京。( ISBN:9789861508368)
- 巫明璋、吳聲毅、余珮君(2007)。大樟樹爺爺(繪本)。苗栗:興隆國民小學。(ISBN:978-986-01-0443-1)
- 吳聲毅(2004)。魔力影音簡報-魅力四射 Medi@Show 3。台北:碁峰資訊。(ISBN:986-421-650-3)
- 吳聲毅(2004)。會聲會影8 一看就懂。台北:金禾資訊。(ISBN:9861490299)
- 吳聲毅(2004)。數位教材製作。台北:金禾資訊。(ISBN:9578573960)
- 吳聲毅、李春雄(2004)。數位教材製作 一看就懂。台北:金禾資訊。(ISBN:9578573774)
- 吳聲毅(2004)。XOOPS2 全能架站機 一看就懂。台北:金禾資訊。(ISBN:9578573650)
- 吳聲毅(2004)。會聲會影7一看就懂。台北:金禾資訊。(ISBN:9578573359)
- 吳聲毅(2004)。Namo WebEditor 5.5一看就懂。台北:金禾資訊。( ISBN:9578573340)
- 吳聲毅(2003)。非常好色5一看就懂。台北:金禾資訊。 (
- 吳聲毅主編
2012)( 53個華語文APP推薦。 苗栗。 聯合大學華語文學系: 免費下載 http://www.pubu.com.tw/document/12437。 - 吳聲毅主編
2011)( 華語文數位教學網站彙編。 苗栗。 聯合大學華語文學系: 免費下載 http://www.pubu.com.tw/document/5069。 - 吳聲毅(2005)。私房教師 會聲會影8 數位學習系統。台北:金禾資訊。