- 苗栗縣105年資訊科技融入教學創新應用團隊複選選拔活動評審委員(105/09/29)
- 國立新竹教育大學數位教學能力檢定考試絣審委員(105/06/17)
- 靜宜大學教發中心105(2)「數位課程審查外審委員」(105/04)
- 「第六屆全國暨海外教育盃電子書創作大賽」評審委員(105/04)
- 國立新竹教育大學「課室數位互動教學能力檢定評分量表」審查委員(105/03/24)
- 靜宜大學「磨課師成果分享座談會」諮議委員(105/03/03)
- 教育部國中小行動學習推動計畫-傑出教師選拔活動評審委員(2014/10)
- 教育部數位學習認證中心數位學習教材與課程認證審查委員(2014/9~)
- 苗栗縣武榮國小行動學習推動計畫輔導教授(2014/1/1~2014/11/30)
- 國立中央大學網路學習科技研究所工程及科技教育認證諮詢委員(2012/3-2014/2)
- 苗栗縣97年度數位專科教室評審委員 (2008/10)
- 國科會數位學習國家型計畫品質認證中心教材評審委員 (2007/10)
Program committee
- 第七屆全球華人探究學習創新應用大會 (GCCIL 2016)
- 第20屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會(GCCCE2016)
- 第六屆全球華人探究學習創新應用大會 (GCCIL 2015)
- 第十一屆知識社群國際研討會(KC2015)
- 第十屆知識社群國際研討會(KC2014)
- 第三屆數位合作學習與個人化學習研討會Taiwan CSCL & CSPL workshop 2014
- 第二屆數位合作學習與個人化學習研討會Taiwan CSCL & CSPL workshop 2013
- The 20th International Conference on Computers in Education (2012) Workshop on Computer Supported Personalized Learning (CSPL)
Reviewer (journal only)
- British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET) (SSCI Journal)
- Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (JCAL) (SSCI Journal)
- Interactive Learning Environments (ILE) (SSCI Journal)
- Journal of Educational Computing Research (JECR) (SSCI Journal)
, Behavior, and Social Networking (CBSN) (SSCI Journal)Cyberpsychology - Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal (SBP) (SSCI Journal)
- New Media & Society (NMS) (SSCI Journal)
- Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology (SSCI Journal, 2007-2012)
- International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (EI)
- 數位學習科技期刊(TSSCI)
- 臺灣科技大學人文社會學報
- 輔仁大學全人教育學報
- 康寧大學學報
- Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange (JETDE)
- International Journal of English and Literature
- International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design (IJOPCD)
- Life Science Journal
- International Journal of Management and Business Studies
- Education Research International
Advisory Board
- International Educational Technology Conference (IETC 2012)
- International Educational Technology Conference (IETC 2011)
Local organizing chair and Accommodation chair
- The Third IEEE International Conference on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning (DIGITEL 2010), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (April 12-16, 2010)
Publication Chair
- Early Career Researchers Track of The Third IEEE International Conference on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning (DIGITEL 2010), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (April 12-16, 2010) (ISBN 978-986-02-2832-8)
Session Chair
- The eighteenth Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2014), China, Shanghai.